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Gary Daugherty

Chair, Fire Science and Emergency Management/Paramedic Program and Professor of Practice
Chair, Fire Science & Emergency Management
(508) 849-3263

Emergency Management | BS

Program Overview

The field of emergency management is expanding rapidly. Current and future emergencies are more likely to be complex, span boundaries, and require coordinated, collaborative leadership to protect the public and its resources.

Students participating in the emergency management program will be prepared to build community resilience and sustainability, and engage in planning and response that overcomes challenges. The program empowers students to acquire knowledge, skills, and practical applications that represent best practice within the field of emergency management.

Curriculum Highlights

Course Of Study

Career and Internship Opportunity


  • Emergency Management Specialist
  • Emergency Planner
  • Disaster Recovery Coordinator
  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Administrator
  • Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
  • Business Continuity Specialist
  • Risk Manager

Program Learning Outcomes

Students who earn a B.S. degree in Emergency Management from Anna Maria College will:

  • Have an integrative understanding of emergency management principles and systems
  • Be able to describe the hazards that threaten communities on a local, regional, national or global scale
  • Have a critical understanding of the operations frameworks, systems, and professional roles that shape current emergency management
  • Have developed the leadership, problem solving, analytical, and decision-making skills required in the field of emergency management
  • Perceive disasters as shaped by the social contexts of the communities where they emerge and will be prepared to bring cultural competence and respect for the dignity of all persons to the arena of emergency management
  • Be prepared to contribute to community resilience and sustainability through hazard mitigation, planning, and collaborative strategies
  • Have the oral, written and technological communication skills consistent with standards in the field of emergency management
  • Have a grounding in emergency management practice as informed by research and policy analysis
  • Be able to identify core technical concepts in emergency management
  • Understand the social contexts of disasters
  • Be capable of identifying natural and human threats in emergency management planning
  • Apply research and statistical skills to emergency management
  • Analyze leadership and administrative issues in emergency management organization

Students who earn a B.S. degree in Emergency Management from Anna Maria College will apply collaborative and coordinated approaches for overcoming emergent challenges. This is done using the following methods during the completion of the degree program:

  • Assessment through student participation: Test, Quiz, Research Paper
  • Case study analysis
  • Role play and team based exercises: Describe, analyze and identify mitigation strategies of the hazards that threaten communities on a local, regional, national or global scale
  • Discussion posts: Evaluate emergency management research to formulate and implement effective planning and response and participate in emergency management practical simulations and analyze results
  • Interviews
  • Presentations
  • Observation
  • Reflective Essay: Demonstrate professional dispositions
  • Journals and Reflective Essay
  • Internships

Meet Our Faculty

Thomas Bogart

Associate Professor of Practice
Fire Science and Emergency Management

Jennifer Carlson

Assistant Professor, Emergency Management and Co-Director Honors Program
Fire Science and Emergency Management
(508) 849-3268

Greg Ciottone

Medical Director
Paramedic, EMT, & Master Health Emergency Management

Wardwell Cox MS, RRT-NPS, NRP

Director of Paramedic and Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services

Eugene Elliott

School of Professional Studies