On December 3, Anna Maria College awarded over 50 scholarships to students during a Scholarship Lunch that brought students, families, and donors together to celebrate the hard work and academic achievements of AMCats. Through our Scholarship Spotlights, students have the opportunity to express their gratitude and relay the impact that their scholarships had on them as they continue their educational journeys at Anna Maria College.
Leicester, MA
Graduation Year:
What was your first reaction when you received your scholarship?
I felt unbelievably grateful to be acknowledged for my hard work as well as being supported to continue my education through the George Socquet Scholarship and the Bibbey Family Scholarship.
How is Anna Maria College helping you achieve your goals?
By offering me financial support to relinquish any financial stressors; also, I have been offered a community filled with great supporters and a family who push me to be my best self as well as be a more confident leader.
What are your future plans after graduation?
My future plans are to become a pediatric oncology nurse.