Matthew C. Waite
Holden, MA
Master in Integrated Media Arts
Why did you choose Anna Maria for your graduate degree?
I chose Anna Maria because of the great experience I had during my undergraduate years. While attaining my B.A. in Graphic Design, I grew close to Anna Maria as a community and a place where knowledge flourishes. I saw that a few of my favorite art professors would teach the graduate program and knew that with their help, the sky was the limit.
What is the inspiration behind your graduate art exhibition work?
After graduating in 2022, I worked as the local UPS store’s lead designer and sales associate. During this time, I regularly worked with the customer service department. Talking with hundreds of people daily, I was inspired by the range of personalities entering our store, and I began imagining what life would be like in their shoes. LIFEBOOKS: A Postmodern View of Reality & Perspectives is a year-long, deep research on how we can benefit from listening to others’ perspectives and a window into how I have processed my life’s creative journey.
What is your favorite Anna Maria College memory?
My favorite memory from Anna Maria is from my senior year of undergrad. During finals, my entire friend group went to Theo’s Diner for breakfast, and it was a great start to the day.
What are your plans for the future after graduation?
I plan on continuing my LIFEBOOKS project. In addition, I am actively applying to artist residencies to further my creative reputation.