By Sloane M. Perron, Manager of Marketing Communications  

The student-led AMC Global Business Club used their business savvy and hard work to benefit the Be Like Brit Foundation. On April 16th and 30th, Linda Nolin, Director of Graduate Business Programs and Professor of Practice in Business, took two groups of students to work the concession stands at WooSox’s baseball games to raise money for the local nonprofit. The Be Like Brit Foundation was created in honor of Britney Gengel, a 19-year-old who was volunteering in Haiti when an earthquake struck in 2010 taking her life. The Foundation helps children in Haiti by providing education, resources, and safe, nurturing homes.  

According to Nolin, it is important that students learn the value of giving back to the community. “They did not think of themselves, but instead gave of themselves to others,” she said.  

This is the second year that Anna Maria College students have worked at the concession stands on behalf of the Be Like Brit Foundation. Cherylann Gengel, Britney Gengel’s mother, even presented at the Business Club and gave the students advice on how to start a successful nonprofit.  

“I wanted them to just not read about it or see it, but to actually do,” Nolin said.  

There were a lot of laughs and smiles as students wore their Anna Maria shirts and served up food during the baseball games. Several local companies came over to the concession stand and commended the students for representing Anna Maria through their work.  

According to Nolin, providing students with real-world opportunities is key to keeping students engaged and interested in their classes.  

“It’s because you’re real, you’re not just learning from a book, instead you are doing things out of the box,” she said.