On Campus


Travis Maruska

Humanities Chair, Associate Professor, Humanities, English, Communications
(508) 849-3338
Academic AgreementsAdmission RequirementsHousingScholarshipsTuitions & Fees

Spiritual Mentoring and Accompaniment Certificate

Program Overview

Anna Maria College is deeply rooted in the Worcester diocese. Our alumni are ministering throughout the diocese, and our faculty include lay ministers, deacons, priests and religious sisters serving the Church in Worcester. We have the knowledge, experience and relationships to help deepen your theological knowledge and your understanding of what it means to provide spiritual mentoring and guidance to and with a fellow Christian. 

Career and ministry focus includes the following areas:

Campus ministry
Youth ministry
Pastoral associates serving in a parish
Young adult ministry
Deacons serving in a parish or diocesan ministry

More Information

Required Courses
Meet Our Faculty

Required Courses

THE 604 God and the Human Person
Studies the nature of the human person in light of the doctrines of creation, revelation, sin, the grace of transformation in Christ, and community. Contemporary issues in Christian anthropology will also be addressed.

THE 614 Moral Theology, Christian Ethics, and Society
Focuses on major themes of moral theology and on how Christian, especially Catholic tradition, offers guidance for ethical decision-making. The course also explores the interrelationships among moral theology, Christian ethics and contemporary society.

THE 620 Spiritual Identity and Faith Formation
Facilitates self-understanding and explores stages of faith and styles and of spiritual journeying through a holistic approach to the Christian spiritual life. The course draws on selected readings, reflection and prayer to achieve these objectives.

THE 630: Arts and Skills for Ministry
Introduces the student to resources and methods for developing essential skills for ministry.

Meet Our Faculty

Fr. Nicholas Desimone


Kevin M. Dowd Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Theology
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Christian Hedrick


Fr. Donato Infante


Fr. Stephen Lundrigan Th.M., Psy.D.

College Chaplain and Dean of Mission
Campus Ministry

Tim Messenger


Marc Tumeinski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Theology
(508) 849-3414

Kent Wallace, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Theology
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
(508) 849-3300