Health Emergency Management Certificate

Program Overview

A Certificate in Health Emergency Management from Anna Maria College is designed for the student with an advanced degree interested in pursuing specific knowledge in the field of emergency and or disaster management.

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Required Courses
Meet Our Faculty

Required Courses

This certificate is based on acquiring a total of 12-13 total credits. The certificate requires the learner taking two of the required courses listed below and having the option to choose any two of existing courses within the program. The Thesis (HEM 680) and HEM 709) Project Course are exempt.

HEM 601 Clinical Foundations for Health Emergency Management
This course provides an introduction to the study of emergency management, its history, and current functions in the public and private sectors. Key theories, concepts, and ethical considerations are introduced. It illustrates the need for integrated, collaborative operations; the grounding in data and analysis; and the focus on prevention and continuous improvement.

HEM 616 Health Emergency Management Operations and Quality
Introduces operations frameworks in the United States .Frameworks used by NGOs, the military, and international organizations are compared. The need for organization, pre-planning, and coordination is integrated with the need to expand structures and adapt plans when handling complex incidents and large, pre-planned events.

Meet Our Faculty

Thomas Bogart

Associate Professor of Practice
Fire Science and Emergency Management

Jennifer Carlson

Assistant Professor, Emergency Management and Co-Director Honors Program
Fire Science and Emergency Management
(508) 849-3268

Greg Ciottone

Medical Director
Paramedic, EMT, & Master Health Emergency Management

Wardwell Cox MS, RRT-NPS, NRP

Director of Paramedic and Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services

Eugene Elliott

School of Professional Studies