Title IX Coordinator

Department: Student Affairs


The Title IX Coordinator will have primary responsibility for oversight of Title IX compliance with all related state and federal laws, executive orders, and policies. This role will monitor the application of the Anna Maria College policy and Title IX in complaint procedures including notification, investigation, live hearings and disposition of complaints; ensuring a timely, fair and neutral process for all parties; coordination of training, education, and prevention efforts for the campus community; establishing a centralized process for reporting all sexual harassment/sexual offenses claims on campus; and monitoring all other aspects of Title IX compliance.

  • Coordinate efforts to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of Title IX.
  • Communicates information on laws, regulations and policies to Anna Maria College community members in collaboration with Student Affairs and Human Resources.
  • Ensure that community members know their options and resources concerning the reporting of Title IX complaints.
  • Oversee receipt, investigation, live hearings and resolution of harassment complaints, including Title IX complaints of sexual violence, sexual and gender-based harassment, domestic and dating violence, stalking and retaliation by employees, students, and others protected under state and federal laws and regulation.
  • Ensure the College is compliant with its obligations to provide information to students and employees regarding their Title IX rights and responsibilities and monitor the College’s Title IX website.
  • Interact as necessary with Human Resources, Campus Ministry and Public Safety, with respect to complaint referral, investigation and resolution. Ensure effective and efficient management and resolution of complaints.
  • Assists with Clery reporting and compliance
  • Maintain investigatory files. Develop and maintain campus reporting system for complaints.
  • Meet regularly with Deputy Coordinators and other personnel in Title IX support roles.
  • Prepare all mandated reports, state surveys, etc., in conjunction with appropriate college personnel. Attend state Title IX meetings and trainings.
  • Oversee, provide and track campus wide education, training, and outreach programming related to Title IX.
  • Provide and recommend training to Responsible Employees, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, administrative investigators, and other campus employees with Title IX responsibilities.


  • Ability to handle confidential, sensitive situations with diplomacy and excellent judgment.
  • Ability to act calmly and objectively in the face of sensitive and stressful situations.
  • Strong organization, planning, analytical and problem resolution abilities.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; advanced writing skills; ability to articulate clearly and concisely to small, large and diverse audiences.
  • Ability to develop and present educational programs and/or workshops.
  • Ability to provide effective and appropriate advice and expertise to all levels within the
    College community.
  • Ability to foster a cooperative work environment.


  • Bachelor’s degree required, Master’s degree preferred
  • At least 2 years of relevant professional experience in such areas as Title IX, psychology/counseling, human resources, higher education compliance.
  • Demonstrated experience in complaint investigation and resolution.
  • Recent experience interpreting federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to Title IX
  • Extensive experience providing training to all levels of employees on laws, policies and procedures.
  • Higher Education experience highly desired.

Anna Maria College is an equal opportunity employer.
