Originally from Newburgh, New York, I am a Law and Society Major with a Minor in Writing. I am currently the President of the Black Student Union and have been on the e-board for two years.   

Why did you decide to study at Anna Maria College? 

I decided to study at Anna Maria College because I had a few friends who already attended the school and recommended it to me based on their experiences.  

Share some of your favorite Anna Maria memories! 

One of my favorite memories at Anna Maria College is when I witnessed my old roommate perform a play for the first time. I remember the play had to do with cave men and how they discovered fire, and I thought it was really inventive.  

What are your plans for the future? 

After college I plan to go to Law School.  

What are some of your proudest accomplishments during four years at college? 

Getting inducted to the NSLS and Alpha Phi Sigma which is a Criminal Justice Honor Society. Some other accomplishments were coordinating two fashion shows, landing an internship at the DA’s office, and working in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Something else I’m proud of is getting an A on my Honor Thesis which was a very challenging task. 

What makes Anna Maria unique?  

Something that makes Anna Maria unique is the involvement staff have with the students. I can say people like my academic advisor and Sherman Cowan, Chief Diversity Officer & Director of the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, always make sure that students were well taken care of in terms of academics and even in their personal life.  

What advice would you give to first year students who are just starting out? 

Don’t say “no” to new opportunities. Even when you think something is too hard, try and hope you succeed. New experiences are something that you need to “yes” to and not “no” to.