Have you signed up for Battle of the Badges, Anna Maria College’s summer introduction to criminal justice, fire science and emergency management?
Hear more about this free, two-day event in this conversation between Michael Stevens, Director of the Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Program, and James Carritte, Director of the Fire Science and Emergency Programs at Anna Maria College.
Mike Stevens: Jim, before we talk about some of our interesting speakers at this year’s Battle of the Badges, let me make one thing clear. There’s no way your fire science students will beat my criminal justice students in the Battle of the Badges dodge ball game this year!
Jim Carritte: Keep dreaming, Mike. But truly, we are so excited to have Battle of the Badges back as an in-person event. One thing the pandemic has done is to remind people of the important roles first responders hold in our cities and towns. Battle of the Badges is a great and fun learning and networking opportunity for students considering these professions.
Mike Stevens: That’s exactly right, Jim. We love bringing these students to our campus where they can experience college life over two days while meeting and hearing from leaders and experts at these critical agencies. This year we will be joined by Boston Fire Commissioner John Dempsey, Worcester District Attorney Joe Early, Worcester Fire Chief Michael Lavoie, Judge Carol Erskine of the Worcester Juvenile Court, to name a few. And of course, we will have displays and demonstrations by K-9 units, a crime scene simulation, and a review of the Whitey Bulger case by a forensic expert who actually worked the case.
Jim Carritte: We might even have some drones! And plenty of friendly competition. You know, people don’t always realize how much learning is required in these careers. They often think about the equipment and the physical aspects of the work – and it’s critical to be physically fit – but there’s also the need to understand how the law, the science, management, social factors and communications are part of the job. Learning never stops.
Mike Stevens: Precisely. That’s why we have so many in these careers return to Anna Maria as graduate students. They want advanced degrees to further help them grow in their agencies and professions. Our alumni are found everywhere in these fields. But Battle of the Badges is designed for students considering careers in these rewarding and constantly in-demand jobs. If you are a student thinking about a career in any emergency field – first responders, corporate safety, disaster planning, emergency management, intelligence or cyber, I encourage you to sign up and join us for these two days. You will learn a lot and, more importantly, meet others who will have valuable insight.
Jim Carritte: This has been a great chat, Mike. It’s a great event. Now about that dodgeball game….
Battle of the Badges takes place at Anna Maria College Thursday-Friday, August 5-6. For more information and to sign up for Battle of the Badges, visit: http://annamaria.edu/redbluebattle