Craig Blais, Ph.D.
Doctor of Philosophy, English, Florida State University
Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing, Wichita State University
Bachelor of Arts, English, University of San Francisco
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts, Holyoke Community College
Craig Blais is the author of About Crows (University of Wisconsin Press, 2013), winner of the Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry and the Florida Book Award. His poems have been published in Antioch Review, Best New Poets, Hotel Amerika, Poetry Daily, New Orleans Review, The Southern Review, Yale Review, and elsewhere. Recipient of an AWP Intro Journals Award, his work has been named as finalist for the Walt Whitman Award and the National Poetry Series. Craig earned his MFA degree from Wichita State University and a PhD degree from Florida State University.
Courses Taught at Anna Maria:
Foundations in Critical Thinking and Writing
Freshman Composition
Writing through Literature
Introduction to Creative Writing
U.S. Literary Traditions
Banned Books
Race and Ethnicity in American Literature
Memoir Writing
Poetry Writing
Research Interests:
Creative Writing, Twentieth Century American Poetry, Literary Modernism Postmodernism, The Long Poem
Blais, C. (2013). About Crows. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press.