
Barbara Driscoll de Alvarado, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Humanities
(508) 849-3533


Student Leadership

Institute of Local and Community Studies

In its capacity as an institution of higher learning that trains thoughtful and highly skilled professionals to work in the community, Anna Maria depends on current and critically significant data, information and analysis.  The myriad of challenges (social, economic, health, etc.) that communities face demand that as an academic community we ask questions, investigate where possible, provide analyses and, where feasible, propose answers or solutions.

Therefore, the focus of the Anna Maria Institute of Local and Community Studies is to help frame some of the research questions important for members of the Anna Maria College community and collaborators, and provide outlets for disseminating the results of research implemented by the Institute community (faculty, students, collaborators).

Through its presence and activities, the Institute can also encourage faculty, students and collaborators to engage in community research, whatever form that might take.  The College houses an extraordinary breadth and depth of knowledge about and commitment to the community—such an Institute made available through the website demonstrates that even an academic community such as Anna Maria can support the pursuit of knowledge and expression of creativity in support of the larger community.

We invite members and external colleagues of the Anna Maria Community to join the Institute as a collaborator.  This is a vehicle for members of the larger community to learn more about the community and each other.

Click to Join the Institute


The Anna Maria College Institute of Local and Community Studies has created a LibGuide as a hub for its projects and materials.

Access the LibGuide

Meet Our Staff

James Bidwell, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
(508) 849-3267

Barbara Driscoll de Alvarado, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Humanities
(508) 849-3533

James Duggan M.A., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Criminal Justice