The Anna Maria College Alcohol and Drug Policy is designed to promote mature, responsible behavior when alcohol is consumed and to eliminate illegal drug use and prescription drug abuse in order to protect the health of students and to encourage the respect of the rights of the College community. Anna Maria College values personal responsibility within its community. In that perspective, the College expects that students who consume alcoholic beverages will do so in accordance with existing laws and the policies of the College. Illegal drugs and/or the abuse or misuse of prescription medicines are not tolerated at Anna Maria College. This includes possession and/or use of drug paraphernalia.
The College knows that there may be instances where students’ choices regarding alcohol and/or drugs will result in medical emergencies. The safety and well-being of the student during the medical emergency are paramount. To encourage reporting of such emergencies, the Conduct Code Official may take such reporting into consideration when determining the sanctioning level for a possible infraction(s) of Conduct Code policy by the reporting party.
All policies and regulations regarding the consumption and/or sale of alcoholic beverages on the Anna Maria College campus and at Anna Maria College sponsored events shall be in strict conformity to the appropriate Massachusetts General Laws, Federal law, and the Town of Paxton bylaws, as well as College policy and expectations. The current law of Massachusetts pertaining to alcoholic beverages can be found in the Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 138, section 34, 34A, 34B, and 34C.
For the purpose of the Conduct Code, the following are the major policy points:
- Consumption, possession, purchase, or being in control of alcoholic beverages in any form by anyone less than twenty-one (21) years of age is not allowed on College property or at Anna Maria College sponsored events.
- Provision, distribution, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages to/for anyone less than twenty-one (21) years of age is prohibited. This includes providing a place for anyone less than twenty-one (21) years of age to consume alcohol.
- On College property, alcohol in approved limits and forms may be kept and/or consumed by those twenty-one years of age or older in designated areas only.
- Designated areas include, but may not be limited to, a residence hall room where at least one assigned resident of the room is twenty-one (21) years of age or older and areas on campus where and when the College liquor license is in effect.
- In the residence halls, if no resident assigned to the room is twenty-one (21) years of age or older, there is to be no alcohol, shot glasses, alcohol containers (including empty), and/or alcohol paraphernalia in that room.
- In the residence halls, the limit for alcohol possession per twenty-one (21) years of age or older resident assigned to the specific room is:
- one (1) liter of wine OR
- one (1) liter of spirits OR
- eighteen (18) twelve (12) ounce or smaller containers, or four (4) forty (40) ounce containers of beer, pre-mixed, or malt beverages (including wine coolers, Zima, hard lemonade, frozen pouches, pre-mixed drinks, etc.)
- Students may not combine personal alcohol limits to be in possession of larger containers (for example, 2 roommates combine 2 liters of spirits to buy a handle; the handle would not be allowed).
- Those who are apparently in violation of this Policy will be asked to remove all alcohol from their possession. This can include a search of and then emptying alcohol from the refrigerator, closet, under beds, backpacks, bureaus, desks, ceilings, and/or other hiding or storage places as deemed appropriate for the situation.
- Open containers of alcohol are not permitted outside of designated areas.
- Open container” for the purpose of the Conduct Code is defined as a can, package, or bottle not having the original factory seal in place, as well as glasses, cups, water bottles, and other non-sealed containers.
- Open containers are not allowed in the public areas of the residence halls (for example hallways, lounges, lobbies, laundry rooms, computer labs, and bathrooms) at any time.
- Open containers are not allowed in outside public areas including, but not limited to, parking lots, open-air stadium seating, areas adjacent to buildings, walkways, sidewalks, and playing fields, with the exception of a sponsored event under the Campus liquor license.
- Paxton Police and/or any Anna Maria College staff member may check open containers for alcohol.
- Large containers of alcohol including, but not limited to beer, malt or pre-mixed beverages in containers over 40 ounces, kegs, beer balls, boxes over one liter, and handles, are not allowed (with the exception of a sponsored event under the Campus liquor license). Such containers shall be confiscated and forfeited, including taps (with or without keg present).
- Not allowed on Anna Maria College property or at Anna Maria College sponsored events are common sources of alcohol such as spiked punch (with the exception of a sponsored event under the Campus liquor license); Jell-O shots; grain alcohol; powdered alcohol; and alcoholic beverages with caffeine added.
- The manufacture of alcoholic beverages on campus property is prohibited.
- The sale of alcoholic beverages on campus property, with the exception of a sponsored event under the Campus liquor license, is prohibited.
- Possession or use of drinking paraphernalia, hosting or participating in drinking games, and/or engaging in behaviors promoting binge drinking are prohibited.
- A person is responsible for his/her behavior. Having consumed alcohol does not excuse the behavior. Behavior which is disruptive, harmful to self or others, and/or which leads to the destruction of property is prohibited and will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
- Operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol is against State law and is not permitted on campus.
- Use or possession of illegal drugs and/or the abuse or misuse of prescription medicines on campus property or at Anna Maria College sponsored events is prohibited.
- Possession or use of drug paraphernalia on campus property or at Anna Maria College sponsored events is prohibited. This may include vaping materials when used for vaping marijuana or any other banned substances.
- Use or possession of marijuana, including medical marijuana used or possessed under Massachusetts law, is prohibited on campus or at Anna Maria College sponsored events. Any such use or possession is a violation of the Student Conduct Code. Federal law, including the Drug-Free Schools Act, continues to prohibit marijuana. Thus marijuana use is prohibited on campus or at Anna Maria College sponsored events.
- Manufacturing, distributing, providing, or selling drugs or drug paraphernalia on campus property or at Anna Maria College sponsored events is prohibited.
- Misuse of legal substances; use of general products as intoxicants or “means to get high”; and inhaling or ingesting a substance (including but not limited to bath salts, nitrous oxide, glue, paint, gasoline, solvent, etc.) other than in connection with its intended purpose is also prohibited on Anna Maria College property and at Anna Maria College sponsored events.
- Evidence of drug policy violations and actions showing sufficient grounds for full disciplinary actions include but are not limited to: the presence of a controlled substance/illegal drug; drug paraphernalia; smoke or odors (in the case of marijuana). All students present at the time of the violation and, if in the residence hall, all residents of the room (present or not) may be held responsible for the infraction.
- Operating a motor vehicle under the influence of illegal drugs or while impaired due to using prescription medicine is against State law and is not permitted on campus.
- A person is always responsible for his/her behavior. Being under the influence of any drug does not excuse the behavior. Any behavior which is disruptive, harmful to self or others, and/or which leads to the destruction of property is prohibited and will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
- Those who are apparently in violation of the Alcohol and Drug Policy will be asked to remove all illegal drugs, prescription drugs for which they do not hold a prescription and drug paraphernalia from their possession. This can include a search of and then removing such items from the refrigerator, closet, under beds, backpacks, bureaus, desks, ceilings, and/or other hiding or storage places as deemed appropriate for the situation.
Alcohol and Drug Education
Abuse of and/or addiction to alcohol and other drugs have serious physical, mental, emotional, and social consequences. An overdose of alcohol or illicit drugs can cause psychosis, convulsions, coma, or death. Regular use of alcohol or drugs can lead to a real physical and/or psychological need for the substance so that daily activities come to revolve around getting more of the substance. The regular use of alcohol or drugs interferes with academic achievement and it often disrupts or destroys relationships because dependency leads to placing the need for alcohol or drugs above the need for relationships. Continued use of alcohol or drugs can be very expensive and may cause users to turn to crime to pay for their habit. Long-term abuse of alcohol or other drugs can lead to organic damage, mental illness, malnutrition, and death. As the result of long-term abuse of alcohol, the individual often gives up on goals and plans, quits growing as a person, and turns to more alcohol or drugs as a solution.
Abuse of and/or addiction to alcohol and other drugs occurs on all college campuses. Anna Maria College recognizes that this situation exists and is taking steps to address the problem on this campus. Anna Maria College has resources available to assist students who wish help around issues of alcohol and/or drug use. The Health and Counseling Center personnel are available to talk confidentially with students about concerns and can refer students to appropriate off-campus agencies for assistance if needed. If you have any questions about your own or someone else’s drug and/or alcohol use, please utilize these free, confidential services. The Health and Counseling Center office is located at the far end of Trinity East in the Trinity Annex.
Possible Sanctions
Violations of State or Federal laws or town of Paxton by-laws can result in arrest, citation, and/or criminal prosecution by police. At Anna Maria College, violations of the Alcohol and Drug Policy will result at minimum in disciplinary action.
Each discipline situation is unique and will be heard upon its own merits. Sanctioning for violations is based upon the severity of the violation(s), the sanctioning used in the past for similar violation(s), the disciplinary history of the student including all prior offenses and current disciplinary status, and the impact of the violation(s) on the community. There are standards which are used when sanctions for violations are being considered.
The following are examples of the sanctions that may be given for the basic violation described. Understand that this is just a guideline for students so that they may see possible consequences for choices they might make. This list is not all inclusive nor is it to be taken as absolute; it is meant as a general guide only.
Violations Involving Alcohol
The span of time between first and second is not affected by the student turning 21, or, in other words, the record is not “cleaned” when the student turns 21.
- First violation, underage student in possession of alcohol; alcohol present under one (1) liter of wine, one (1) liter of spirits, and eighteen (18) twelve (12) ounce or smaller containers of beer, pre-mixed, or malt beverages (including wine coolers, Zima, hard lemonade, frozen pouches, pre-mixed drinks, etc.):
- Community Service (5 hours)
- Educational Component – Classes (could have cost associated)
- Fine: $50, increase to $150 if failure to complete community service.
- Parental, club/organization advisor, and coach notification possible
- Confiscation of alcohol and all paraphernalia
- A second violation within approximately 100 days, underage student in possession of alcohol in amounts as described in Paragraph 1:
- All sanctions in point 1 above at increased levels
- Disciplinary Probation– See “DP”
- Counseling evaluation on campus
- First violation, underage student in possession of alcohol, alcohol present greater than one (1) liter of wine, one (1) liter of spirits, and eighteen (18) twelve (12) ounce or smaller containers of beer, pre-mixed, or malt beverages (including wine coolers, Zima, hard lemonade, frozen pouches, pre-mixed drinks, etc.); or common sources of alcohol such as spiked punch; Jell-O shots; grain alcohol; powdered alcohol; alcohol beverages with caffeine added; or drinking games/paraphernalia regardless of quantity of alcohol present:
- Possible suspension from residence halls: minimum five (5) days
- Possible Disciplinary Probation – See “DP” (probably when drinking games/paraphernalia are present)
- Counseling evaluation on campus
- Community Service (10 hours)
- Fine: $75 (increase to $225 without community service).
- Educational Component – Classes (could have cost associated)
- Confiscation of alcohol and all paraphernalia
- Parental, club/organization advisor, and coach notification possible
- A second violation within approximately 100 days, an underage student in possession of alcohol, alcohol present in amounts described in paragraph 3:
- Possible Behavior Contract – See “BC”
- Suspension from the residence halls: minimum of 10 days
- All sanctions in point 3 above at increased levels
- Of age student, alcohol present less than double the allowed limit with no underage persons present, or open container public area:
- Fine: $50.
- Confiscation of all alcohol and all paraphernalia
- Of age student, alcohol present more than double allowed quantity, or common sources of alcohol such as spiked punch; Jell-O shots; grain alcohol; powdered alcohol; alcohol beverages with caffeine added; or drinking games/paraphernalia; or underaged person(s) drinking/in possession/culpable:
- Disciplinary Probation – See “DP” to possible Behavior Contract – See “BC”
- Community Service (10 hours)
- Educational Component – Classes (could have cost associated)
- $50, increase to $200 if failure to complete community service.
- Confiscation alcohol and all paraphernalia
- Second violation within approximately 100 days by of age person (even if first violation was when under 21)
- Disciplinary Probation – See “DP” to possible Behavior Contract – See “BC”
- All sanctions from point 6 above
Overview of Basic Disciplinary Probation (DP)
Generally minimum of 100 days, maximum of 150 days
- Not in halls during breaks/ outside the contract period if resident student
- Banned from residence halls if commuting student
- Possibly not in good disciplinary standing- cannot represent the College
- No varsity sports
- No office of club/organization /class
- No SGA executive board member
- No Admission work
- No Study Abroad
- No RA position
- No Summer Hall residence
- Possible suspension/ban from halls and/or social events
- Counseling Evaluation Required (possibly outsourced) where appropriate
- Increase Fines (if appropriate)
- Parental Notification (if appropriate)
- Coach / Advisor (club, org, SGA) notification (if appropriate)
- Increased educational component
Overview of Basic Behavior Contract (BC)
Generally minimum of 151 days – maximum two (2) calendar years (average being one (1) calendar year)
- All of Disciplinary Probation plus
- Not in good disciplinary standing; cannot represent the College (see DP for list)
- Possible suspension from residence halls (if commuter banned for duration of BC)
- If resident student, Possible suspension from halls on weekends or additional time
- Restriction of Activities on Campus
- Counseling Evaluation Required (possibly outsourced) where appropriate
- Random Room Checks (if resident student)
Violations involving drugs
There is a “zero tolerance” policy regarding all drug (marijuana included) violations. Drug violations can involve immediate suspension from the College and will always include a notification to the Paxton Police Department. Violations involving drugs will at a minimum result in a Behavior Contract and possibly being restricted to campus for classes only. In most cases, a second drug violation will result in suspension or expulsion from the College.
Samaritan Policy
The purpose of sanctions is to deter and educate so that a positive educational community is established. At no time should the threat of a possible sanction deter an individual from seeking medical assistance for self or another. Although policy violations cannot be overlooked, the College will consider the positive impact of reporting an incident when determining the appropriate response for policy violations. The College may choose to mandate only an educational sanction for those individuals who report or seek assistance for self or others when the use of alcohol or drugs has created a threat to an individual’s safety.