Lined Parking Spaces
Motor vehicles must be parked within the lined parking spaces. An improperly parked motor vehicle in an adjacent space does not constitute an excuse for straddling the painted line. One motor vehicle (including motorcycles) is permitted per marked space.
No Parking Areas
Parking of motor vehicles is not permitted in the following areas:
- Walks, paths, and lawn areas
- Crosswalks
- Any area not marked with parking lines or, if not paved, as a parking lot
- Areas of diagonal lines/loading zones/fire lane
- Areas where signs have been posted indicating “no parking”
- Areas that block egress or ingress of buildings, parking lots, and/or roadways
- Roadways/side of roadways on campus not specifically marked with parking spaces including Sunset Lane, South Drive, St. Anne Drive, the rotary, access road next to AMCAT Field, and the area between Socquet House and the Science Building.
- Parking of bicycles is not permitted in any area not specifically designated for bicycle parking. This includes inside any building, (except in residence hall rooms where the storage of the bicycle does not block ingress/egress from the room). Parking, storing or leaving bicycles as to impede or block the entrance to or exit from any building, including ramps, stairways, and curb cuts, is prohibited.
Accessible Parking and Temporary Accessible Parking Requests
There are marked parking spaces on campus reserved for persons with disabilities. Persons parking in marked accessible spaces must display the appropriate decal or plate issued by the Registry of Motor Vehicles or other appropriate agency. The person for whom the decal or plate is issued must be in the vehicle or being actively picked up or dropped off.
A person wishing to be considered for an on-campus temporary accessible parking pass, he/she must present appropriate medical documentation to the Director of Student Success, Dennis Vanasse, Trinity East, first floor. Temporary permits will be issued to those who qualify.
Snow Removal
As necessary in preparation for, during, and/or after a snow storm, Physical Plant may require vehicles to move from designated parking areas to facilitate snow removal. Bicycles must not be parked, stored, or left as to impede snow removal from roadways or walkways. Notices will be issued by the same means as any weather cancellation notification, such as text messages and emails, and will be placed on the front doors of the residence halls and, as appropriate, on other campus buildings. Cooperation with these requests is expected so that parking areas and walkways may be cleared. During a snow event, plan on moving your vehicle to the lot east of (behind) Madonna Hall. Motor vehicles and/or bicycles impeding snow removal efforts may be subject to ticketing with a minimum fine of $25. The College is not responsible for damage to bicycles parked, stored, or left outside during snow removal efforts.
Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Violations
Payment of Citations – Citations may be paid at the Anna Maria College Business Office located in Cardinal Cushing Hall. Citations unpaid after fifteen (15) calendar days of issuance shall double. Checks should be made payable to “Anna Maria College” and may be mailed to Anna Maria College Business Office, Box R, 50 Sunset Lane, Paxton, MA 01612.
Unpaid citations may result in delays or denial for the processing of grades, transcripts, and/or diplomas as per Business Office policy for unpaid balances.
Appealing a Citation – Citations may be appealed within ten (10) calendar days of issuance. Please go to Parking Citation Appeal to complete the form and submit your appeal. All decisions by the committee are final.
Penalty for multiple offenses
Students who receive multiple citations in a semester may be subject to disciplinary action by the College under the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.
Parking Lot Designations & Accessible Parking Locations, Motor Vehicles
Parking lot designation may change, for instance, as parking spaces are added to the campus and in adverse weather conditions. For a current map of parking lot designations, please see the map posted at the Paxton Police Office in Foundress Hall. At the time of publication, the following designations exist:
- Yellow decal/Commuter parking, not overnight: Fuller Lot, Gravel Lot, Campus Center Lot (not designated faculty/staff spaces against the Campus Center building), Miriam Lot, and Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. any residence hall lot. For overnight parking (not remaining in Information Commons), yellow decal must have Overnight Pass (see above) and park in Fuller Lot. For overnight parking for those remaining in the Information Commons, yellow decal must park in the Fuller Lot.
- Red decal/Freshman Resident Parking: Freshmen Lot located east of (behind) Madonna Hall.
- Green decal/Upperclassmen Resident parking: Madonna Lot located south of (next to) Madonna Hall, Coghlin Lot, South Hall lot, Gravel Lot (not overnight), and the Fuller Side Lot located to the south (left side) of Fuller Activities Center.South Hall residents will receive a hanging placard allowing them to park in the restricted spaces on the southernmost row of the South Hall parking lot.
- White decal/Faculty/Staff parking: 1) lots that allow only white decals: Science Lot, spaces as marked directly next to the Campus Center building, and designated spaces in Madonna Lot, South Lot, and along Campus Center Drive; 2) any commuter (yellow) or resident (red or green) lot is open to white decals EXCEPT overnight. All overnight parking must be in designated spaces (see Paxton Police).
- Accessible parking (accessible parking plate/placard required): Madonna Lot (2 areas), Freshman Lot, South Hall Lot, Coghlin Lot, St. Anne South entrance parking area, Fuller Lot (2 areas), St. Joseph Hall front parking area, Trinity Lot, Campus Center Lot, and Foundress South Entrance parking area. Most accessible parking areas have van access.