Motor Vehicle Policies

General Information

All students and employees who bring a motor vehicle and/or bicycle onto campus property are expected and required to be familiar with, and abide by, the regulations outlined in this policy as well as all State and local laws regarding motor vehicles and/or bicycles. Motor vehicle and bicycle regulations will be strictly enforced to keep the campus safe, ensure smooth operations such as deliveries and snow removal, and to maximize campus parking resources. Persons who bring or operate a motor vehicle/bicycle on campus do so at their own risk.

All Anna Maria College faculty, staff, and students who choose to bring a motor vehicle onto campus must without delay obtain a parking decal and permanently affix that decal to the vehicle on the driver’s side of the front windshield, or, in the case of motorcycles, at the location indicated by the Officer. It is the vehicle owner’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is parked in the correct lot. The parking lot map is found at the end of this section. All lots have signage that indicates which color stickers are permissible in each lot.

An “Anna Maria College student” can be any full or part-time, day or evening, commuter or resident, graduate or undergraduate, the person who is taking or auditing a class at Anna Maria College. Consortium students who are taking a day class through cross-registration should refer to the “Consortium Parking Pass” section of this policy.

All visitors are expected to abide by this policy. Visitors bringing motor vehicles to campus must park in the visitor lot or, for specific activities, in designated “event” parking areas. Visitors bringing bicycles to campus are expected to park them in designated areas and to remove them upon concluding their visit. Overnight visitors parking a vehicle on campus must obtain a Visitor Overnight Parking Pass from Paxton Police at Anna Maria College or through the Residence Life Office.

Questions about the Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Regulations at Anna Maria College may be addressed to the Police Services Office at Anna Maria College located in Foundress Hall, South end exterior entrance. The Officer on Duty may be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (508) 494-9010.

Parking Decals

Anna Maria College students, faculty, and staff must register without delay with the Police Service Office at Anna Maria College all motor vehicles, including motorcycles and motorized scooters, which they bring onto campus. There is no “grace” parking period. There is no charge for a parking decal. Parking decals remain the property of the College and must be surrendered upon request.

Each vehicle must have only one unique decal permanently affixed to the lower corner of the driver’s side of the windshield. Paxton Police will direct the placement of the decal on motorcycles and motorized scooters. Decals are not transferable. Displaying multiple valid decals on one vehicle will invalidate all decals.

Faculty/staff decals do not expire until the faculty/staff member is no longer affiliated with the College. Student decals expire when the student changes status (i.e., resident to commuter), withdraws, graduates, or is no longer affiliated with the College, whichever comes first.

Students, faculty, and staff using more than one motor vehicle may obtain additional decals to accommodate multiple vehicles. Each vehicle brought onto campus must have one unique decal affixed to the driver’s side windshield. It is expected that each person shall have on campus only one vehicle at a time.

Obtaining a decal or replacement decal
Decals are obtained by completing the “Anna Maria College Parking Decal Application.” This form is available electronically for faculty and staff. Students may obtain the form from the Polices Services Office at Anna Maria College in Foundress Hall. Completed forms are presented to the Police Service Office at Anna Maria College. Students will be asked to show their current vehicle registration form and Anna Maria College student ID. There is no charge for a parking decal. You can also complete this online form to receive a parking decal.

Student Campus Residency Status Change
Students changing campus residency status (changing from a commuting student to a resident student or moving off campus to become a commuting student) must surrender the original parking decal and obtain a new parking decal to represent accurately their residency status. Students found using a decal that does not accurately represent their residency status may be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.

Out of State Vehicles Registered at Anna Maria College
All students registering a vehicle on campus that does not have a Massachusetts issued license plate must complete each academic year a Commonwealth of Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles “Nonresident Student Vehicle Information Form” (pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L c.90 § 3, as amended by chapter 46 of the acts of 2003). This form is available to download on the RMV site. This form is submitted by the student when he/she registers his/her vehicle at Anna Maria College. The Paxton Police Officer will issue the Massachusetts registration decal. This is a free decal. A vehicle required to display the Massachusetts registration decal which fails to do so is subject to a fine of up to $200 by the State.

Temporary Parking Permit (students, faculty, and staff)
Students, faculty, and staff having possession of a motor vehicle for a period of less than two (2) weeks may obtain a temporary parking permit from the Anna Maria College Police Services Office or, if a resident student, the Residence Life staff. The student must present the vehicle registration and Anna Maria College student ID. Temporary parking permits must be displayed on the driver’s side dashboard and visible from the outside of the vehicle. Incomplete, altered, or improperly displayed temporary permits shall be invalid. Temporary parking permits are intended for the use of the Anna Maria College community member to whom the permit is issued and may not be used by guests.

Consortium Parking Pass/Cross Registration for Motor Vehicles
Full-time, undergraduate, cross-registered students taking a class at Anna Maria College may obtain a “Consortium Parking Pass” for parking on the Anna Maria College campus. The cross-registered student completes the Anna Maria College Vehicle Registration Form and presents his/her vehicle registration, driver’s license, and class schedule stating that he/she is enrolled for a class at Anna Maria College to the Anna Maria College Police Services Office in Foundress Hall. There is no charge for the Consortium Parking Pass. The Consortium Parking Pass must be displayed on the driver’s side of the dashboard and visible from the exterior of the vehicle. The Consortium Parking Pass is valid in any yellow/commuter parking lot (not overnight).

Overnight Parking

Overnight parking is defined as midnight – 7:00 a.m. Monday – Friday and 1:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Vehicles displaying resident student decals may park in the appropriately designated resident lots overnight. Overnight visitors shall obtain an overnight pass from the Police Services Office at Anna Maria College or the Residence Life staff and shall park in the Fuller Lot (in front of the Fuller Activities Center). Faculty and staff members wishing to park overnight shall park in the Fuller Lot or in residence hall lots in “faculty/staff” designated parking spaces.

Commuters using the Information Commons during the above “overnight” hours must park in the Fuller Lot.

All person parking on campus overnight must be vigilant for parking lot closings due to inclement weather and/or parking lot maintenance.

Traffic Regulations

The maximum speed on campus is 20 miles per hour. Pedestrians always have the right of way; so please be vigilant and always use extreme caution whether driving a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle.

All traffic regulations including, but not limited to, obeying stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, observing “one-way” signs, etc. are in effect on campus. Paxton Police will be seen patrolling the Campus roadways. Sunset Lane is a public thoroughfare subject to all town and state regulations and may be patrolled by local authorities. The speed limit on Grove Street is 30 mph and we encourage everyone to be considerate of our neighbors and abide by local speed limits.

Car surfing on hoods, roofs, or bumpers is strictly prohibited.

Accidents & Damage

  • A person involved in or witnessing a motor vehicle or bicycle accident on campus should report the incident immediately to the Paxton Police by calling 911 or (508) 494-9010.
  • A person having damage to and/or theft of/from his/her motor vehicle or bicycle should report the incident as soon as it is discovered to Paxton Police by calling (508) 494-9010.
  • Operating or parking a motor vehicle or bicycle on Anna Maria College property is at the vehicle owner’s risk. The College is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property.


Bicycles may be parked, stored or left only in areas specifically designated by the presence of racks or other devices designated for bicycle parking.

In the residence halls, bicycles may only be parked, stored or left in the residence hall student room if the presence of the bicycle does not impede ingress into or egress from the room. Bicycles may not be parked, stored or left in any common area of the residence halls including, but not limited to, hallways, stairwells, ramps, lounges, study rooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens, and computer rooms.

Abandoned Vehicles

All motor vehicles coming onto and/or parked on College property must be in working order and have a valid registration from the appropriate state. Vehicles without valid state registration and/or determined to be abandoned shall be towed from the campus at the owner’s expense.

A bicycle, or any part of a bicycle including a lock, will be determined to be abandoned if it: (1) is in a state of disrepair as to be incapable of being operated in its present condition; (2) has not been moved or used in more than 30 days; (3) bears physical indication of having been deserted, including, but not limited to, excessive rust, rust on chain, seat/handlebars coated in dirt or dust, or flat tires; or (4) is left on campus after the person seen as having possession of the bicycle is not registered for classes for the current academic period, withdraws, graduates, or otherwise ends his/her affiliation with the College.

Bicycles (including locks) that are determined to be abandoned will, at the discretion of the College, be removed from the campus at the owner’s expense. The College is not responsible for bicycles that have been determined by the College to have been abandoned. Bicycles may not be stored/left on campus during the summer break.


Lined Parking Spaces
Motor vehicles must be parked within the lined parking spaces. An improperly parked motor vehicle in an adjacent space does not constitute an excuse for straddling the painted line. One motor vehicle (including motorcycles) is permitted per marked space.

No Parking Areas
Parking of motor vehicles is not permitted in the following areas:

  • Walks, paths, and lawn areas
  • Crosswalks
  • Any area not marked with parking lines or, if not paved, as a parking lot
  • Areas of diagonal lines/loading zones/fire lane
  • Areas where signs have been posted indicating “no parking”
  • Areas that block egress or ingress of buildings, parking lots, and/or roadways
  • Roadways/side of roadways on campus not specifically marked with parking spaces including Sunset Lane, South Drive, St. Anne Drive, the rotary, access road next to AMCAT Field, and the area between Socquet House and the Science Building.
  • Parking of bicycles is not permitted in any area not specifically designated for bicycle parking. This includes inside any building, (except in residence hall rooms where the storage of the bicycle does not block ingress/egress from the room). Parking, storing or leaving bicycles as to impede or block the entrance to or exit from any building, including ramps, stairways, and curb cuts, is prohibited.

Accessible Parking and Temporary Accessible Parking Requests
There are marked parking spaces on campus reserved for persons with disabilities. Persons parking in marked accessible spaces must display the appropriate decal or plate issued by the Registry of Motor Vehicles or other appropriate agency. The person for whom the decal or plate is issued must be in the vehicle or being actively picked up or dropped off.

A person wishing to be considered for an on-campus temporary accessible parking pass, he/she must present appropriate medical documentation to the Director of Student Success, Dennis Vanasse, Trinity East, first floor. Temporary permits will be issued to those who qualify.

Snow Removal
As necessary in preparation for, during, and/or after a snow storm, Physical Plant may require vehicles to move from designated parking areas to facilitate snow removal. Bicycles must not be parked, stored, or left as to impede snow removal from roadways or walkways. Notices will be issued by the same means as any weather cancellation notification, such as text messages and emails, and will be placed on the front doors of the residence halls and, as appropriate, on other campus buildings. Cooperation with these requests is expected so that parking areas and walkways may be cleared. During a snow event, plan on moving your vehicle to the lot east of (behind) Madonna Hall. Motor vehicles and/or bicycles impeding snow removal efforts may be subject to ticketing with a minimum fine of $25. The College is not responsible for damage to bicycles parked, stored, or left outside during snow removal efforts.

Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Violations
Payment of Citations – Citations may be paid at the Anna Maria College Business Office located in Cardinal Cushing Hall. Citations unpaid after fifteen (15) calendar days of issuance shall double. Checks should be made payable to “Anna Maria College” and may be mailed to Anna Maria College Business Office, Box R, 50 Sunset Lane, Paxton, MA 01612.

Unpaid citations may result in delays or denial for the processing of grades, transcripts, and/or diplomas as per Business Office policy for unpaid balances.

Appealing a Citation – Citations may be appealed within ten (10) calendar days of issuance. Please go to Parking Citation Appeal to complete the form and submit your appeal. All decisions by the committee are final.

Penalty for multiple offenses
Students who receive multiple citations in a semester may be subject to disciplinary action by the College under the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.

Parking Lot Designations & Accessible Parking Locations, Motor Vehicles
Parking lot designation may change, for instance, as parking spaces are added to the campus and in adverse weather conditions. For a current map of parking lot designations, please see the map posted at the Paxton Police Office in Foundress Hall. At the time of publication, the following designations exist:

  • Yellow decal/Commuter parking, not overnight: Fuller Lot, Gravel Lot, Campus Center Lot (not designated faculty/staff spaces against the Campus Center building), Miriam Lot, and Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. any residence hall lot. For overnight parking (not remaining in Information Commons), yellow decal must have Overnight Pass (see above) and park in Fuller Lot. For overnight parking for those remaining in the Information Commons, yellow decal must park in the Fuller Lot.
  • Red decal/Freshman Resident Parking: Freshmen Lot located east of (behind) Madonna Hall.
  • Green decal/Upperclassmen Resident parking: Madonna Lot located south of (next to) Madonna Hall, Coghlin Lot, South Hall lot, Gravel Lot (not overnight), and the Fuller Side Lot located to the south (left side) of Fuller Activities Center.South Hall residents will receive a hanging placard allowing them to park in the restricted spaces on the southernmost row of the South Hall parking lot.
  • White decal/Faculty/Staff parking: 1) lots that allow only white decals: Science Lot, spaces as marked directly next to the Campus Center building, and designated spaces in Madonna Lot, South Lot, and along Campus Center Drive; 2) any commuter (yellow) or resident (red or green) lot is open to white decals EXCEPT overnight. All overnight parking must be in designated spaces (see Paxton Police).
  • Accessible parking (accessible parking plate/placard required): Madonna Lot (2 areas), Freshman Lot, South Hall Lot, Coghlin Lot, St. Anne South entrance parking area, Fuller Lot (2 areas), St. Joseph Hall front parking area, Trinity Lot, Campus Center Lot, and Foundress South Entrance parking area. Most accessible parking areas have van access.

Parking Map

Click here to download a copy of the Campus Parking Map.