1098 Tax Forms

1098-T Student Information Notice

Anna Maria College has partnered with Heartland ECSI to provide their support for IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, which furnishes part of the information you need to claim education tax benefits allowed by the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Tax Credits.  We are required to send you this form so that you can use it to determine if you are eligible and what dollar amount you claim for these tax credits.

Please note:
For 2023, the 1098T form shows payments in Box 1 that were received for qualified tuition and expenses received during the calendar year.  Room and board charges and other miscellaneous charges are not considered qualified expenses. Box 5 shows all of the scholarships and grants paid in 2023.   

To download your 1098T form for 2023 go to https://heartland.ecsi.net/

  1. On the first page scroll down to the box in the middle of last row that says “Access your 1098 Tax Documents” and click on it.
  2. Click on “Want to look at your 1098T tuition tax statement?”.
  3. Click on “I need my 1098T tuition tax statement”.
  4. Enter the school name “Anna Maria College” and hit submit.
  5. The student will be asked for First Name, Last Name, SSN and Zip Code
  6. On the next page click on view details on the right side of the line saying 1098T statement to open the statement.

If there is no 1098T statement for you for 2023 it means that your scholarships and grants paid out exceeded the qualified expenses charged for the calendar year.

If you experience any trouble accessing your account or have any general questions related to Form 1098T please contact a Heartland ECSI representative via live chat by visiting https://heartland.ecsi.net or by phone 866-428-1098.

This information is provided by the IRS and does not represent tax advice from the institution. The taxpayer should refer to relevant IRS forms and publications or to a tax advisor and should not contact the institution for explanation relating to eligibility requirements or calculations of any allowable education tax credit.