
Abigail Ware

Project Director, Office of Violence Prevention and Education
(508) 849-3261

A community committed to ending violence and supporting survivors

The Office of Violence Prevention and Education was founded at Anna Maria College in 2024 to address Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on campus. This office is funded under the United States Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women Campus Grant Program.

Through receipt of this grant and the creation of this office, Anna Maria College is committed to creating a safe community that is devoted to supporting survivors of violence. To create a trauma-informed campus that enhances and centers victim safety, we are using a Coordinated Community Response Approach, bringing faculty, staff, students, and local community partners from a range of disciplines and backgrounds to the table.

More Information

A Coordinated Community Response Approach
Community Partners
Pathways for Change
Events and Photos

A Coordinated Community Response Approach

Pathways for Change

Wyoming is a trained sexual violence counselor in the Campus Advocate program at Pathways for Change. Pathways provides free and confidential 1-on-1 support, group counseling, medical and legal advocacy services and referrals. Pathways services all of Worcester county, including Anna Maria College, for in-person or virtual services. Wyoming is a confidential resource and will not report to Title IX or police.
Whether you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual violence, you deserve support, care, and information. Wyoming is available to meet with students and staff of all genders, sexualities, and identities, on-campus on Wednesdays and by appointment. Remember: You are not alone!
Pathways for Change Hotline: 800-870-5905 (24/7/365)
Main Office: 588 Main St, Worcester: 508-852-7600 (M-F, 9a-5p)


Campus Partners

Counseling Center
Campus Ministry
Title IX

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Event Photos

In April, the Office of Violence Prevention and Education held events honoring Sexual Assault Awareness month including:

The Clothesline Project | AMCATS Pledge for Prevention | Dating Jeopardy! | Baseball teal game | Denim Day