CHOPPED Cooking Challenge: Workshop One in Dining Hall

Date(s) - 10/13/2021
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


Do you like good food, learning new skills, and having fun with friends? Then you’ll want to attend CHOPPED, Anna Maria College’s first annual cooking challenge for students. To prepare for this exciting cook-off, three workshops will be held with instruction provided from our very own Sodexo Chefs, Denis and Alexa. Each week you’ll learn something different about nutrition, safe food handling, knife skills, and how to create some amazing meals! The weekly workshops will be held on different days, times, and locations so that everyone has a chance to attend.

At the end of the series of three workshops, students are encouraged to participate in the Chopped Challenge as teams. Contestants will be given a mystery box of ingredients (along with encouragement from Chefs Denis and Alexa) and compete to create the best dish. The winning team will not only receive the GRAND PRIZE (valued at $250), but their award-winning recipe will be featured in the dining hall during the semester.

You don’t have to attend all the workshops to enter the challenge, but they will help! For every workshop you do attend, you will receive a raffle ticket for a drawing to be awarded at the end of the CHOPPED Challenge. Increase your chance at winning the raffle along with learning some great kitchen skills!

Register to attend any of the weekly workshops and/or the CHOPPED Challenge here: